Brenteca — more than just a private investment firm

Comprehensive support
for early-stage business

Brenteca invests in unique, early stage, private businesses with real potential to grow and disrupt their industries

Brenteca partners, Ben, Laura, Ben and Luke

The Brenteca difference

We’re a small
group of passionate

We’re experienced business people that understand what it takes to grow and win in competitive environments.

Our unique, self-funded partnership model enables us to invest in high-potential businesses without any outside influence from third-parties, so to partner with us is to know we’re absolutely dedicated to long-term success.


For startups to realise their vision, we know funding isn’t the only critical element — mentoring, support, and business connections are just some of the other foundations of a successful business.

That’s why we don’t just provide financial support. We also help our partners build a strong strategic, operational and leadership foundation so they can grow their businesses quickly and sustainably.

Our successful partnerships